Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

DEI Business Case for Nonprofits

Nick Askew March 30, 2022

Key questions to explore in developing your business case:
What strategic leadership is needed to advance DEI?
Governance is about providing strategic leadership to a nonprofit and includes the functions of setting direction, making policy, strategy decisions, overseeing and monitoring organizational performance, and ensuring overall accountability.
What governance policies are needed to advance DEl?
Governing boards are responsible for setting policy for management, assigning oversight of the policy to Board Committees and delegating the responsibility for implementation of the policy to an Executive Director.
Does your board reflect the full diversity of the communities?
Remember diversity refers to the wide range of identities including race, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, veteran status, physical appearance, etc. It also involves different ideas, perspectives & values. This question entails not only the current board make-up but the pipeline also.
Does your board welcome and engage diverse members?
Board diversity is more than optics or the appearance of diversity. The value and efforts of inclusion is what connects diverse board members with the communities and interests they represent. An inclusive board culture welcomes and celebrates differences and ensures that all board members are equally engaged and equitably invested, sharing power and responsibility for the organization’s mission and the board’s work. Leadership in all sectors, reflective of varied life experiences and of the community they represent, can better identify resources, establish collaborative partnerships, and optimally advocate for their respective mission.