Public Profile

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About Me


Myi’a Sanders is proud to be from Memphis, TN and a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. As an undergraduate, she joined the nonprofit world as an accounting associate at an organization working to eliminate homelessness. Upon graduating with a degree in English and Sociology, Myi’a moved to Texas to study Theology and Ethics. After which, she taught Reading/Language Arts to some of the most charismatic and brilliant 7th graders in Dallas before joining Big Thought as a Professional Learning Partner. Currently she serves as Systems Analyst at Big Thought and Managing Partner of Impact By Design, a social impact company designing programs and developing operational systems for companies and organizations. To know Myi’a is to know she’s never met a stranger. Community is one of her core values, so she serves as Vice President of the Dallas Fort Worth Urban League Young Professionals and as a member of the Junior League of Dallas

Currently, she is looking for opportunities to contribute her operations skills to ensure sustainability for local non profits. 

Race (other)


Gender (other)


LGBTQ+ Community
