Public Profile

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About Me


Alexandra H. Antonioli, MD, PhD, received a BS in Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University. She then joined the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at the University of Colorado and received her combined MD and PhD degrees. Her thesis research and brief postdoctoral work focused on combining structural biology with translational immunology experiments to better understand mechanisms that drive inflammation and autoimmunity. In addition to continually trying to improve and develop her clinical skills and medical knowledge base, Alexandra has a passion for volunteer work and has spent time volunteering in Yamoransa, Ghana with the Yale Alumni Service Corps. Alexandra is also a Rotarian and in 2014 was honored with the Thomas Jefferson Award for service to the University of Colorado. She has also completed a medical journalism elective at ABC News in New York City.  Alexandra believes that forming collaborations in science, medicine, media, and technology serve as important keys to making advances within any field and hopes to continue a combination of medicine, science and service throughout her career. Dr. Antonioli is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern. 

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