Strong Board Leadership

Leadership is the key to any type of collective success, and strong board leadership is needed now more than ever. 

Board Member Performance

Navigating an organization through challenges and change requires strong board members who are dedicated to leadership and committed to performing at their highest level.

In addition to commitment and dedication, successful board governance demands collaboration from individuals who have a solid foundation of functional knowledge. Because boards make critical contributions that impact nonprofits’ effectiveness and organizational performance, the individuals who hold board positions must demonstrate confidence when providing financial oversight, crafting strategic action, and allocating resources. Emerging professionals and established leaders alike benefit from professional development and deepened knowledge of the essentials of board governance.

Create An Environment
For Growth

In order for nonprofit boards to effectively assume their leadership responsibilities, you must create an environment that empowers board members to develop their skillsets and broaden their knowledge.

With the proper guidance and development, separate individuals who passively volunteer their time transform into an active, engaged, and knowledgeable team – a team that can guide their nonprofit organization to thrive. Now is the time to assess the collective strengths and opportunities of your nonprofit board and place attention on overall board development.

Incorporating BoardBuild Essentials training and certification into your current onboarding procedures or continued development plan helps level-set your board’s knowledge and ensures they are prepared to lead in any environment. The success of our nonprofits, and the strength of our communities, depend on it.


Develop Your Board

Utilize our learner-led, remote training to equip your board members with the knowledge and tools necessary for high-quality board governance and strategic oversight.


"I was quite curious about it given that I’ve been a long-time board member of a non-profit. The training was spot on compared to my board experience so I would highly recommend it. I look forward to seeing how the matching service works as well."

Abbie S.

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